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Why won't my acne go away!

Could you have fungal acne? fungal acne is caused by yeast (yes, a fungus) that inflames the hair follicles on your skin and causes pimplelike bumps. The condition is technically referred to as pityrosporum folliculitis or malassezia folliculitis, for the specific type of fungus. Fungal acne can look like regular acne, but there are a few key differences. Regular (bacterial) acne breakouts vary in size and tend to feature blackheads or whiteheads on the face, but fungal acne will usually appear as uniform red bumps and pustules on the chest, upper arms, and back—the face. Also, the bumps that result from malassezia don’t usually come to heads. The fungal acne breakouts will be very itchy. And for the record, it’s normal for this type of fungus to be living on your skin. But when it gets out of control, it can lead to fungal acne breakouts or other skin conditions, like seborrheic dermatitis. Fungal Acne can form anywhere on the face or body. For instance, wearing tight, nonbreathable clothes often contributes to breakouts. More specifically, wearing sweaty workout clothes, hats, and wigs for too long or rewearing them without washing it can create a very moist environment for fungi to grow. But some people are just genetically predisposed to overgrowths of yeast and, therefore, experience fungal acne more frequently others, example Having chronic conditions that affect your immune system, like diabetes and HIV, can also predispose you to fungal acne. Depending on the severity of your breakouts, clearing up fungal acne may be as simple. Just showering and changing your clothes right after working out or wearing looser clothes and lifestyle changes. If this doesn't help, your next step for a mild case should be trying an over-the-counter topical treatment. Selsun Blue works as an antifungal body wash, creams containing 2 percent ketoconazole, econozole nitrate, or 1 percent clotrimazole cream, all of which are often used to treat athlete’s foot. If your symptoms still persist after about three weeks, it’s time to see a dermatologist.

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